Vas a descubrir que es posible aprender inglés rápidamente, con profesionales altamente capacitados y a un precio muy accesible. El o la estudiante adquirirá el conocimiento del idioma Inglés como segundo idioma y la confianza para la realización en la vida diaria adquiriendo las cuatro competencias básicas como leerlo, escribirlo, hablarlo y escucharlo correctamente.
El individuo lograra desenvolverse y trabajar la lingüística del idioma inglés, su autonomía y su iniciativa personal.
Letter by Letter | The alphabet. The verb to be. Introducing: I'm... You are... Farewell. The Simple Present with the auxiliary "Do" |
Count and Draw | Colors. Numbers. The verb to be: It's five. They're my new scissors. |
Looking My Bag | School Supplies: bag, book, pencil,etc. The verb to be: It's a ruler.Wh- questions. What's it? It's a… |
My Pretty Family | Family members: Grandmother, mother,sister. Adjectives: short,tall, etc. |
My Birthday Party | How old are you? I'm... Party Vocabulary: cake, hat, clown, jello, balloon, hat,etc. Questions with short answers in affirmative and in negative: Is it…? Yes, it is.No, it isn't. What's it? It's a... |
Where's Mary? | Prepositions of Place: under, behind, in, on Where's Mary? It's under the tree. |
More Numbers and Shapes | Geometric Shapes:circle,triangle, square,etc. Numbers:11-20 How many grapes are there? There are… What is it? It's a triangle. |
Indefinite Articles | Indefinite Articles: a pineapple,an orange. Is it an umbrella? Yes,it is. No, it isn't. What is it? It's an umbrella. |
My Favorite Place | Prepositions of Place: behind in front of between next to. Question: Where is…? It's… Places: candy store, toy store, beach, circus,etc. The zoo is behind the circus. |
Hello Snacy | Greetings: Hello!, Good Morning How are you? Introducing someone: This is my friend. Farewell: Good Bye Commands: Be quiet! The Alphabet. |
To Be or not to Be | The verb to be. Affirmative: I'm… Negative: I'm not…Adjectives:pretty, ugly,short, tall. Singular and plural: It's big. They're small. |
Where's The Bank? | Asking for and Giving Directions Where's the restaurant? It's next to the hotel. Auxiliary "Do": Do you want to go? |
This or That | Demonstrative Pronouns: this, these, that and those. |
Look at My House | Parts of the house:kitchen, living room,etc. Furniture: chair, table.There is… There are…used to indicate that something "exists" or is in a certain location. Example: There is a rug in the bedroom. Questions with there is/ there are: Is there a refrigerator? Are there two sinks? |
Let's Learn About the Body | Parts of the body Examples: This is the mouth. These are ears. Questions: Is this the neck? Are these feet? Months of the year |
I Can't Jump the Rope | The Modal Verb: Can Affirmative: The monkey can fly. Negative: The rabbit can't run. Questions: What can she do? She can… She can't… |
Jimy is Painting | The Present Continuous: What are you doing? I'm doing my homework. |
What Time is it? | Clock, numbers 1-100 Daily routine: get up, do the homework. What time are you getting up? I'm getting up at six o'clock. |
Review | |
Flashback | The Simple Present in interrogative form. Example: Do you like…? Yes, I like… Prepositions of Place and Giving Directions: Where's the bank? Using the Verb to Have: I have a bathroom. Parts of the house: bathroom, bedroom, dining room. Where's the bathroom?. The Modal Verb Can: Can Bryan play the guitar? What can you do Bryan? Parts of the body. How many legs does the ghost have? |
Jobs | Jobs:Policeman, Nurse, Fireman,etc. Wh-questions with the Simple Present: What do you do Michael? Do you know who works in a hospital? What does Susi do? Does a police need an uniform? Short answers: Yes, he does. No, he doesn't . |
The Four Seasons | Wh-questions with auxiliary verbs: "Do/does" What do you like about spring? Months of the year. |
Amazing Numbers | Days of the week, Months of the year. Introducing yourself: I'm Horsy. My birthday is on October 7th. Introducing someone. Events, Celebrations, Holidays. |
My Red Gloves | Clothes: Winter: coat, sweater ,hat, etc. Possesive forms in singular and plural. Examples: It's my skirt. They're her shorts. |
From the Desert to the Ocean | Animal Habitats: desert, forest, jungle, ocean and ice and snow.The camels live in the… |
Time for Lunch | Vocabulary: cheese, cookies, fish. Drinks: lemonade, juice, watermelon,etc. Meals of the day: breakfast, lunch, and dinner. Example: I have fruit in my lunch box. The Simple Present to talk about: likes and dislikes. Example: Carol dislikes vegetables.The Present Progressive: Susi is eating a red apple. |
The Compass | Cardinal points. The Simple Past Tense Wh-questions with The Present Simple Tense: Where do you live? |
Hours and Minutes | Clock:What time is it? It's one o'clock. Hours and Minutes. What time do you have lunch, Lucy? Signs:- minus +plus =equals x times |
Review | |
Learning About Our World | Flags: Information about countries: Wh-questions: What colors does your flag have? What currency does Mexico use?, How many states are there in Mexico? The Simple Present the third person: He takes… Auxiliary verbs: "Do / Does" Affirmative and negative. |
The Mall | Comparatives: My house is bigger than your house. Countable and uncountable nouns with "how much" and "how many". Food Vocabulary:fried chicken, sushi, etc. Appliances: blender, toaster, microwave, etc. Auxiliary Verbs: Do/ Does Do you like chocolate cake? Yes, I do. |
Which is Better? | The Past Tense with was/ were. Question: Was the first skateboard originated in 1955? Comparatives further practice: A plane is faster than the train. The Simple Past Tense with regular and irregular verbs in affirmative, negative and interrogative. |
Review One | The Simple Present to talk about likes and dislikes./ The Simple Past Tense... |
Get a… Cell Phone… | To be in the Past Tense was/ were The Simple Present Tense for the third person of the singular. Example. Verb: to want He wants… Questions with auxiliary "Do" Example: Do you know that…? |
Behind Mexico | Prepositions are used to show where the object or person is. Example: Jimy is between two monkeys. The Present Continuouns Tense: She is working. |
Benito Juárez | The Simple Past Tense in regular verbs: walk-walked. Irregular verbs: sing-sang. The Past Continuous with while, when and at. Example:I was dancing while the boys were playing. |
Review | |
The Ear | Wh-questions with the verb "to be": What is the inner ear? Wh questions with auxiliary verbs:Do/ Does. Why do people wear earrings? Conjunctions: And, but, or The Simple Present and Past Tenses further practice. Example: Does Katy have a computer? Holidays Around the World |
My Favorite Stuff | |
The Habitat | Animals: hippopotamus, blue whale, reindeer,etc.The Simple Present and The Past Tenses in affirmative and interrogative. Quantity expressions in interrogative with "how much" and "how many". Regular and irregular comparative adjectives. |
My Trip | Information about a trip: Itinerary, prices.The Simple Past Tense. Auxiliary did: Where did…? Telling the time. The Present Continuous. |
Become, became | Jobs: lawyers, painter,teacher, mechanic, writer, etc.Wh-questions with the verb "to be". What's her occupation? Auxiliary verbs: Do/ does. The Past Tense of the verb "to be". Affirmative and Negative. |
Review Plus One | The Simple Present to talk about likes and dislikes. The Past Tense of the verb "to be": was / were |
Meeting My Continent! | Countries and capitals of the world. Personal information about presidents, players, etc. Wh-questions with verb: "to be". |
Who was Shakespeare? | The Simple Past Tense with regular and irregular verbs. |
Traveling by Centuries | Vocabulary related to time: present, past, hour, decade, timeline, etc. Inventions of the World. |
Review Plus Two | Sentences with the Simple Past Tense. Negative sentences using didn't. |
Chinese Wall | The Simple Past Tense in Interrogative further practice. The Simple Future with "will" and the idiomatic future with "will" and the idiomatic future with "be+going to". |
Shapes | Pentagon, cube, trapezoid, pyramid, cone, etc. The cube is a solid figure… |
Heroes and their Journeys. The Big Question | |
What does it takes to be a hero? Informational Text / e-Magazine Article. Prepare to Read | |
Prepare to Read | Vocabulary: survive, pasture, herd,etc. |
Protecting the Big Guys. Review and Practice. Summary & Movie Reviews / Friendly Letters | Opinion: What do you think…? |
Prepare to Read | Vocabulary: release, sequel,animated,etc. |
An Animated Movie | Letter in Simple Past tense. Was/were. Wh-question with "Did". Example: What did Lee say about the movie? Original Statement: Didi: "What an incredible movie!". Reported Speech: Didi said it was an incredible movie. |
Heroes Around the World. Unit Wrap- Up | |